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Learn More About Our Services

Tax Preparation Services

Create your Business

Forming a business is the first step to entering the business world.

You are selecting the type of business you want requires weighing, among other things, the type of activity, economic and financial risk, type of property, state tax rates, etc. It's not just giving your business a name.

There are four primary forms of business:  1) Sole Proprietor,  2) Partner Owners, 3) Corporations (S-Corp or C-Corp) and 4) Limited Property companies (LLC).

Determining which type of business is appropriate to your specific situation - analyzing the advantages and disadvantages - is a matter in which we can help you. It also depends on the state in which you want to establish it.

How and where your business is possible is a matter that we know how to do.


Individual Tax Returns

Individual tax is a tax levied on income such as wages, dividends, interest, self-employed income, and any other taxable income earned throughout the reported year. This tax is filed annually to Federal, State, and Local Government Agencies.

Just like businesses, an individual should minimize income tax by maximizing the tax deductions and tax credits.

Generally, states grave taxes according to the state in which the income is earned.

Some Aliens, who do not have a Social Security Number, must obtain an ITIN to file their taxes.

Individuals who did not report income tax returns for previous years should do it ASAP.

 Individuals, who have reported incorrect tax returns, have the chance to amend these tax returns for the last three years only.

Income tax returns have many problems. If you are in any of these situations, do not hesitate to contact us.

                                    We can help you.                                                       

Remember, if you owe taxes, you may qualify for a tax reduction or at least get a payment agreement with the IRS, or state or local agencies.


Ask IRS:   Where is my Refund?

Business Tax Returns

Small business tax return preparation is a service offered to our clients.
Whether your company is a C-Corp, S Corp, LLC, Partnership or Sole Proprietor a properly prepared tax return can be filed to minimize the tax owed by deducting all of your qualified deductions.


Over the years, 100's of small business Federal and State tax returns have been prepared by us, so we know how to do it.

Remember, if you try to prepare your income taxes by yourself accurately and timely, you have to:
1) Collect your records,
2) Select the right forms,
3) Fill out the forms 
4) Report on time.
If you are not confident to do it, contact us and we will do it for you, saving your time and your money.


Accounting Services

Bookkeeping Services

Financial Statement preparation for small business clients is a long-standing service of this firm. Depending on the client's needs, monthly, quarterly and year-end balance sheets and detailed operating statements can be prepared and analyzed on a timely basis.



Payroll Services

We make a complete payroll service for small businesses and we have provided it for many years. 

Our services include:

Set up and maintenance of all records,

Timecard records,

Calculate the Tax Withholdings and benefit contributions,

Checks deliver to employees,

Federal, State, and Local tax filings, and

Preparation and report of all W-2's and 1099 forms. 

  If you need your Payroll done, contact us.




Financial Statements

Timely, efficient bookkeeping services are available mainly for small businesses.

 Computerized accounts are prepared, saved, and presented for client review on a quarterly, monthly, and/or annual basis.

Budgeting and forecasting support are also available.



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Get clarity on your tax and accounting situation